Location: Zaragoza

Construction year: 2001 – 2003

Indoor areas – Builder Company: 2ª Fase Estación Delicias Zaragoza UTE

Outdoor areas – Builder Company: Vial Norte Estación Delicias UTE

Promoter Company / Owner: ADIFArchitect: Carlos Ferrater, José María Valero, Félix Arranz Y Elena Mateu

Bus Platforms and paved areas

Product: 60x30x4 cm Flagstone

Finish: Bush-hammered

Quantity: 3.550 m2

Product: 8×20 cm Kerb

Finish: Bush-hammered

Quantity: 1.250 ml

Product: 11x12x10 cm  Kerb

Finish: Bush-hammered

Quantity: 1.100 ml

El Periódico de Aragón Square

Product: 60×30 with 2 y 3cm thickness Flagstone

Finish: Bush-hammered

Quantity: 4,200 m2

Product: 11x15x25 cm Kerb

Finish: Bush-hammered

Quantity: 900 ml

Indoor Areas:

Train Platforms

Product: 60x30x3 cm Flagstone

Finish: Sawed and  “on site”  Bush-hammered

Quantity: 36.700 m2

Train Station Stairs

Product: 3cm Step and 2cm Riser pieces

Finish: Sawed

Quantity: 380 ml